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Adv Test form

    Fields marked with an asterisk are required. Requests are reviewed in the order they are received.

    Select Your Ad Preferences

    Rotating Home Page Ad - $3,850

    Enjoy prominent placement on the app's homepage with a colorful banner ad. One banner ad maximum per sponsor. 6 banner ad slots maximum per conference. Sold on 1st come 1st served basis.

    Enhanced Sponsor Listing - $750

    Each sponsor automatically receives a listing in our Sponsors section of the app that includes their logo, table location and company name. Expand that listing to include a hyperlink, contact names, Social Media links, descriptions, and multiple additional linking options.

    Once purchased, we will provide VIP portal access to the person who completed this request form.
    Note: Platinum, Marquis and Marquis Plus level sponsors please DO NOT select the enhanced sponsor listing as that is already included in your sponsorship. You will get a notice on how to access and update your listing through the VIP Portal just before its release.

    Messaging Ad - $1,500 per message

    Broadcast an advertising message to all conference attendees via the messaging system. Messages are sent at a specified schedule, to attendee's app inbox, as well as their regular email inbox. Only 3 messages will be sent per day. 9 messages total per conference. Sold on 1st come 1st served basis.

    Select Your Time Slot(s):

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    Card Type:

    Name on Card:

    Card Number:

    Exp Month (MM):

    Exp Year (YYYY):

    Zip Code:

    After submitting the form, you will receive a confirmation via email. First come, first served.

    By submitting this form, you agree to our privacy policy.

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