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The leading knowledge exchange for Data Center, IT and Mission Critical professionals.

Meet a Member

7×24 Exchange International members come from a variety of diverse backgrounds, cultures, and organizations. They represent the very best in the Mission Critical Operations industry and we are proud to serve them.

Current Featured Member

Angie GarzaAngie Garza, a name well recognized in the mission critical industry, currently serves as the Director of Advanced Technology and Infrastructure Sourcing at Google. Her journey, however, began far from the tech giant’s headquarters, with a rather unexpected start. Born and raised in Mexico, Angie’s path to becoming a leader in the data center world started in the world of sales of meat grinders and meat saws for the South African market from her base in Mexico. This experience instilled in her the importance of resourcefulness, out of the box thinking, perseverance and adaptability, or as she calls it: ‘GRIT’.

Read More About Angie








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