7x24 Conference Presentation Proposal
By submitting this form, I agree to comply with the guidelines for presentations outlined in 7x24 Exchange Conference Presentation Guidelines. Additionally, I agree that all presenters will meet the deadlines set by 7x24 Exchange International for any conference materials required. I understand that any post-deadline changes to my presentation may not be permitted.


* indicates required fields

Any files uploaded must be less than 2MB in size

Any files uploaded must be plain text (.txt), MS Word (.doc or .docx) or PDF formats.

Speaker Information

Primary Speaker
7x24 Exchange will correspond with the primary speaker only. It is the primary speaker's responsibility to notify all co-presenters regarding the state of the proposal. Please list yourself as the primary speaker and any list any co-presenters. No more than one primary and two co-presenters may participate in any presentation.
Authorization Details *
I am the Primary Speaker
I have been authorized to represent the Primary Speaker and complete this application for him/her.
   I have at least one Co-presenter

Presentation Details

Selection Criteria

7x24 Exchange receives more presentation proposals than presentations slots for each conference. Therefore proposals are reviewed with the following criteria in mind:

  • The topic must relate to the theme of the conference
  • Any proposal with sales overtones will be eliminated
  • Proposals in the following formats will be given priority:
    • Case studies with customer participation
    • Multiple vendor presentations on future technology without discussing particular products/services
    • Presentations provided by users
    • Panel presentations which portray many different perspectives of a particular topic
    • Proposals that demonstrate the ability to discuss a technology, concept or problem in as generic of terms as possible.
    • Topics which are timely and compelling to members' interest
Presentation Title & Type
* Presentation Title:
* Instructional Method:
Case Study
Business Case Analysis
Panel Discussion
Presentation Description *
Type or attach (a Word or PDF Document) 75-100 words describing session content and format. Be as specific as possible. Descriptions are subject to editing for use in the final conference program.
Presentation Outline *
Attach 1-2 pages (a Word or PDF Document) including major topics covered, who will cover, how, etc.
Speaker Biographies
Enter a short 50-100 word biography for each presenter in the spaces provided.
Has presentation been delivered elsewhere*? Yes No
If yes, where and when?
Are you interested in presenting to 7x24 Exchange Chapters on a local level*? Yes No
User, vendor and consultant participation in 7x24 Exchange Conferences is acknowledged and encouraged. However, in keeping with 7x24 Exchange's mission, presentations must be educational, not promotional, in tone and content. The group is primarily driven by user interest; overt selling is inappropriate and must be avoided. The audience is largely composed of problem-solvers. Experience indicates they respond best to real-world, case-study-type presentations, but are receptive to new ideas or concepts, if they are well-presented and relevant.
I certify that the tone and content of my presentation will be educational, not promotional.
It is 7x24 Exchange's policy that speakers are guests of 7x24 Exchange for this conference and therefore the conference fee is waived. This policy applies to one speaker per organization. Additional speakers from the same organization must submit the appropriate conference registration fee. All travel and additional expenses are the responsibility of the speaker.
I understand that the conference fee is waived for one speaker per organization, and that any additional speakers from a single organization must submit the appropriate conference registration fee.
7x24 Exchange does not permit additional speakers or replacement speakers not included in the proposal.
I certify this proposal is complete and ready for review.
All conference sessions are videotaped and 7x24 Exchange may decide to use or sell these recordings. By submitting this form you grant 7x24 Exchange permission to use/sell/duplicate any such recordings. You also agree to release 7x24 Exchange from any loss you may encounter in conjunction with participation in this event not resulting from 7x24 Exchange's gross negligence.
I have read, understand and will adhere to 7x24 Exchange Presentation Guidelines.

7x24 Exchange requires that all presentations be the speaker’s original work, that the speaker obtain advance written permission to include any third-party content, and that the speaker indemnify & hold 7x24 Exchange harmless from any claims arising from 7x24 Exchange’s presentation, use or distribution of the speaker’s presentation

I certify that my presentation & I will meet these requirements.