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Local WiMCO Communities

WiMCO Communities are available in these chapters.

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Brittany Miller | [email protected]

Heidi Storch | (678) 988-5886 | [email protected]

The Carolinas
Amy Landis | (980) 297-1257 | [email protected]

Central Texas
Brittany Barrios  | [email protected]

Michelle Reed | [email protected]

Greater Philadelphia
Janine Repine | (610) 583-9640 | [email protected]

Greater Washington DC
Callie Gregory | (404) 667-7317| [email protected]

Lone Star
Meg Plank | (316) 558-2994 | [email protected]

Metro NY
Mary Glynn | (347) 599-3342 | [email protected]

Midwest – KC
Lana Veytia | (913) 928-2014 | [email protected]

New England

Sara Martin | [email protected]

Northern California
Melanie Bird | (415) 795-0821 | [email protected]

Ursula McCready | (253) 604-8477 | [email protected]

Lori Ransbottom | (513) 457-7021 | [email protected]

Oregon & SW Washington
Melissa Rogers | (503) 708-2961 | [email protected]

Southern California
Amanda Garcia | [email protected]

Texas South
Esmirna Arteaga | (832) 651-3417 | [email protected]

Upcoming Events

If you would like to add your WiMCO event to our calendar, announce it on social media, etc., simply fill out our Chapter Post Form.