Much stronger anti-tampering and tamper resistance.
Strong protection from social attacks and malicious
USB devices (such as BadUSB).
Non-volatility requirements.
Secure administrator access and log functions.
Much deeper protection for video signals.
key poinTs in pp 3.0
Security must be included in the initial design:
In the previous protection profile, non-secure KVMs
could be reinforced to be deemed secure and pass the
independent evaluation that leads to NIAP certification.
In PP 3.0, security must be designed into the product.
This ensures a heightened focus on security.
More products are included:
PP 3.0 applies to a number of new products that can be
tested for use in secure environments. These products
include traditional KVM switches, KVM combiners,
video wall processors, matrix KVM, KM switches with
cursor navigation, isolators and filters, USB gateways,
and multi-domain smart card and biometric readers.
Stronger testing replaces Evaluation Assurance
Levels (EAL):
Instead of relying on EAL to indicate product security
strength, PP 3.0 requires detailed testing specifications.
This eliminates some of the gaps in classification. The
level of testing in PP 3.0 is higher than EAL 5 products,
and PP 3.0 requires 30 times as much testing as
previous versions. New testing in PP 3.0 covers areas
such as deep packet inspection and TEMPEST level
isolation in critical areas such as audio.
Future-proof technology is added:
The previous protection profile was optimized for VGA
video and PS/2 peripheral protocols, which are rarely in
use today. PP 3.0 includes support for the most modern
KVM technologies, including USB (USB 1.1, 2.0, 3.0 and
Type C), HDMI and DisplayPort video, and MHL to
support mobile devices and not only computers.