7x24 Exchange, Inc.
322 Eighth Avenue, 501
New York, NY 10001-8001
Tel: 646-486-3818
Fax: 212-645-1147
[email protected]
(alphabetical by last name)

  Dan Azevedo
  Ken Baker
  David R. Blair
  Dr. Phil Bording
  Sam Brewer
  Steve Carter
  Tim Cortes
  George Denise
  Stephen A. Fairfax
  Kevin Heslin
  David Humphrey
  Jon Inaba
  Kevin B. Kealy
  Randy H. Knox, III
  Rudy Kraus
  Sam Macrane
  Mike Mallia
  Paul Marcoux
  Paul A. Matthew
  Kevin McCarthy
  Shawn Mills
  Suhas V. Patankar
  John Reuter
  David Schirmacher
  Dr. Roger R. Schmidt
  Chris Sedore
  James K. Staufenberg
  Dave Sterlace
  Luis Suau
  Alexandra Sullivan
  Jerry Sumrell
  Joe Theismann
  Kevin Timmons
  W. Pitt Turner, IV
  Jack Underwood
  Steve Wetter
  Stephen T. Whitlock

 Stephen A. Fairfax      
Stephen A. Fairfax


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Steve Fairfax is President of MTechnology, Inc., consulting engineers specializing in power system engineering for demanding 21st century enterprises. MTech's clients include manufacturers, designers, and users of power systems for the 7x24 world. MTech performs Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) of data center power and cooling systems, LNG liquefaction facilities, and hazardous process industries. MTech engineers conduct reliability analyses, failure investigations, failure modes and effects analyses, and provide expert testimony in patent, customs, and personal injury litigation. MTech develops and demonstrates highly reliable power systems for fuel cell power plants, battery replacements, DC microgrids, magnetic levitation track and vehicles, ore transportation systems, and semiconductor processing applications.

Steve joined MTech in 1997, but he has been working with multi-megawatt power systems since his undergraduate days at MIT. He began full-time study of power system reliability while working as Managing Engineer at Failure Analysis Associates.

He served as head of Engineering and Operations for the Alcator C-MOD nuclear fusion reactor during its design and initial operation at the MIT Plasma Fusion Center, and as principal engineer in several Boston-area firms. Steve holds Master's Degrees in both Electrical Engineering and Physics from MIT.