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viawest also looks at the overall

operational state of a unit, and uses

a CMMs to do a detailed analysis of

all unplanned repairs. was the event

discovered when a technician was

executing a pM or monitoring

equipment during rounds; or did a

customer notify the team? beyond

that discovery, what was the type of

repair and how well did the

technician perform? viawest takes

those data points and looks for

inconsistencies that can lead to

predictive action. the age of the

equipment, frequency of events

over the year, and the severity of

each event contribute to the

decisions around replacing

equipment or based on the

technician scorecard, renegotiating

service contracts.



regulatory demands, client

certification needs, and evolving

legislation all challenge the ability

of data center mangers to address

compliance issues and respond to

audits. with a CMMs in place,

documentation and reports on

maintenance activity can be pulled

at a moment’s notice, making

managers audit-ready at any time.

at an in-house data center for one

financial services company, for

example, the CMMs made it

possible for managers to quickly

respond to auditor’s questions

about maintenance compliance with

sarbanes-oxley act (soX)

regulations. as part of the process,

auditors wanted to know exactly

what type of pMs have been

performed on backup generators

used for maintaining the ups at the

data center. the chief facilities

engineer tapped the CMMs to

produce reports showing all the

pMs completed during specific time

periods, as well as upcoming pMs

planned for the future.

the need for optimal infrastructure

maintenance will continue to rise as

data centers age and face new

technological challenges. and a

modern CMMs – with its preventive

and predictive maintenance, asset

capital planning, and audit-

managing capabilities – will also

continue to become intertwined

with all the other mission-critical

systems that keep data centers

running in peak condition.

Paul Lachance is President and Chief Technology Officer for Smartware Group, Inc. He can be reached at

[email protected]