s av e T h e D aT e !
2016 spring
navigating the future
June 5 - 8, 2016
boca raton resort & Club
boca raton, fl
2016 fall
theme tBD
october 23 - 26, 2016
Jw Marriott phoenix desert ridge
phoenix, az
inTeResTeD in PResenTing aT
The nexT sPRing ConfeRenCe?
www.7x24exchange.organd complete the
Call for presentations or call 646-486-3818 x104
January 8, 2016
For information about sponsoring a 7x24 Exchange event please contact Brandon Dolci, CMP at 646-486-3818 x108
submiT an aRTiCle foR
The nexT sPRing issue of
7x24 exChange magazine
www.7x24exchange.organd download the Call for articles
february 26, 2016
2015 Fall ConFerenCe
End-To-End REliabiliTy: Mission CRiTiCal FaCiliTiEs
Commitment to exCellenCe