sessions inCluDe:
• oracle’s Journey to Data
Center excellence
• the right Data Center for
the Job
• panel: Commitment to
Sustainability and efficiency
• Blending the Modular and
traditional Data Center
• Uncovering the Benefits of
Modular Chiller plants
• aSHrae: Valuable new
Information Impacting
• project eCHo (CpS) Data
Center/Control room –
Challenges & Solutions
• the Impact of It on
the fall Conference themed
“end-to-end reliability – commitment to
will be held november 15-18 at the Jw Marriott san antonio hill
Country in san antonio, tX. the Conference will feature compelling
keynotes, high profile speakers, concurrent sessions, an end user only forum,
a women’s forum, a guest/spouse shopping shuttle, the Marquis plus+ partner
showcase, another spectacular sponsored event and more…
theresa payton, former white house Cio, Cybersecurity
authority, expert on identity theft and the internet of things
will kick off the conference with a keynote address entitled
“Big Data and the internet of things – Boon or Bust for
your cybersecurity efforts?”.
Marketing databases,
customer analytics and behavioral patterns are easier to
manage with big data – but will these data elements be safe from hackers?
and what is the impact of the internet of things? payton will explain how to
harness the power of big data and build your big data to achieve business
goals while adding in safeguards to fight cybercriminals. she’ll also explain
how the internet of things may be the ultimate driver of global change.
our second day will open with a keynote entitled
cyber security to the strategy table”
by fran dramis,
Ceo of f. dramis llC and former Cio of bellsouth and
salomon brothers.
the closing keynote is entitled
“yahoo! evaporation Pond
Design for Data center effectiveness”
and will be
delivered by soechgen Mulia, Construction Manager at
C o n f e r e n C e h i G h l i G h t s
2015 Fall ConFerenCe
End-To-End REliabiliTy: Mission CRiTiCal FaCiliTiEs
Commitment to exCellenCe