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7x24 Exchange, Inc.
322 Eighth Avenue, 501
New York, NY 10001-8001
Tel: 646-486-3818
Fax: 212-645-1147
8:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.

Data Center Pulse End User Summit

Date Center Pulse (DCP) has partnered with 7x24 Exchange to host an exclusive end user summit at their Fall conference. This Sunday session embodies the conference theme, "The Changing Landscape of the Data Center". It is focused on key DCP initiatives that are targeted at influencing the data center industry. The session includes, but is not limited to:

  • THE TOP 10 (ROUND 2)

All tracks will be led by Data Center Pulse members. Leading up to the summit, group discussions will finalize the break out session agenda and content. Final session topics will be expanded or changed based on community interest.

Dean Nelson, Founder & Chairman of the Board, Data Center Pulse

1:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M.

ASHRAE/DOE Data Center Energy Efficiency Workshop

ASHRAE, in collaboration with the DOE will present a four hour workshop on how to achieve energy efficiency in a data center. The workshops are led by instructors who are data center authorities and are active in ASHRAE Technical Committee 9.9, Mission Critical Facilities, Technology Spaces and Electronic Equipment. The workshops are intended for individuals who design, construct, commission, operate, implement or maintain data centers.

Roger R. Schmidt, PE, IBM Fellow and Past Chair of ASHRAE TC9.9
Don Beaty, President, DLB Associates and Past Chair of ASHRAE TC9.9

8:30 A.M.

Conference Keynote: Leadership and Accountability When It Matters

Businesses now operate in an environment where nothing can be taken for granted and change is the only constant. In his riveting recount of the Cole story, Kirk Lippold details how leaders must act in the now yet plan ahead, to help organizations cope with complex environments while operating under adverse conditions. Lippold’s Five Pillars of Leadership explain his crew's ability to focus and execute as a dynamic team and will help any organization establish the framework to get the best out of its people.

Kirk S. Lippold, Commander, USS Cole

10:00 A.M.

The Changing Landscape of Cooling: Air vs. Liquid

Heat is an important factor affecting IT reliability. Many datacenter managers are exploring more popular cooling solutions which are better equipped to handle high heat loads while remaining cost and energy inefficient. Industry panelist from Sun, IBM, Verari and HP with share their views on the topic and discuss the pros and cons of air vs. liquid cooling solutions.

Brandon Lorenz, Senior Editor, Building Operating Management Magazine

David Driggers, Chief Technology Officer and Co-founder, Verari Systems, Inc
Kenneth R. Baker, Datacenter Infrastructure Technologist, HP
Roger R. Schmidt, PE, IBM Fellow and Past Chair of ASHRAE TC9.9
Subodh Bapat, Vice President & Distinguished Engineer, Energy Efficiency, Sun Microsystems

11:15 A.M.

Cloud Computing and the Data Center Transformation

Cloud computing is an emerging and fast growing computing style that will transform the way we work and the way data centers are built and operated. Although cloud computing provides very interesting economical advantages by making possible computing as a service and data center as a service, also creates serious challenges ahead. From the data center infrastructure point of view, modularity, scalability and energy efficiency are new realities that will have to be adopted extensively. This session will provide you an introduction to cloud computing, private and public cloud, its impact in the data center design and build, and a real case-study of a cloud services provider's new 4mw modular, energy efficient data center.

Jeff Vagg, Data Center Efficiency Practice, Cloud Computing Services - Global Principal Engineer, SUN Microsystems
Olof Sandstrom, Infrastructure and Security Director , ARSYS
Henry Daunert, Founder & CEO, AST North America LLC and AST Global

1:30 P.M.

EPA: Energy Efficiency Opportunities and Updates for the Data Center

Data Center energy considerations are moving into the mainstream consciousness, garnering headlines and media attention aimed at audiences external to the industry. This is leading (and necessitating) increased scrutiny on data center operations from end to end to ensure continued availability under increased strains on budget and capacity. It is also helping to foster a growing number of energy efficiency resources available to data center management to help tackle energy capacity challenges and market improvements. The ENERGY STAR program's growing portfolio of resources for data center efficiency will be discussed in this session, with updates on efforts for servers, storage equipment, and a building efficiency metric. Also discussed will be emerging utility sector efficiency initiatives and policy developments of interest to the data center industry.

Andrew Fanara, ENERGY STAR Product Manager, Environmental Protection Agency

3:00 P.M. Concurrent Breakout Sessions

Breakout A: IBM's Deployment of Energy Efficient Solutions - Servers to Data Centers

Two data centers will be described - one upgraded with new technologies and deployed with best practices while the second is a greenfield data center. The new data center has as the heart of infrastructure a co-generation system plus all liquid cooled racks, while the upgraded data center uses river water to aid in cooling. The upgraded data center is divided into two zones - one high density zone using liquid cooled racks and an air cooled zone deploying high performance air cooled servers/storage racks.

In addition to the two data centers described one of IBMs Power systems that integrates water cooling at the processor level to achieve high performance per watt will be described and the energy efficiency improvements that can be achieved by deploying this system in a data center.

Roger R. Schmidt, PE, IBM Fellow and Past Chair of ASHRAE TC9.9

3:00 P.M.

Breakout B: Energy Efficient Data Center Design - Strategies & Best Practices

This case-study addresses IT professionals facing challenges of reliability and efficiency. Approaches and strategies to achieve efficiencies, scalability and availability will be presented. Emerson's new data center will be featured to demonstrate strategies predicted to provide an energy savings of 30%; including a roof-top solar array and tactics deployed using an Energy Logic model. The AC power infrastructure that triples capacity and high-density cooling strategies that meet Leeds requirements in this 100-facility consolidation project, will also be presented. Emerson solutions and others used in Fortune 100 data centers will be presented. The presentation will address design and technologies that are expected to earn the facility the Leed Silver Certification.

Jack Pouchet, Director, Energy Initiatives, Emerson Network Power

3:00 P.M.

Breakout C: Medium Voltage UPS Solutions - When and Why

Critical process facilities are tending to be larger and have an increasing amount of critical load, requiring more high reliable electrical power. More and more applications like Mega Data Centers, Airports or Industrial Processes need that much power, that a low voltage distribution reaches its physical and economical limits. The solution is the usage of a medium voltage distribution combined with modern high power medium voltage UPS or DRUPS. The usage of medium voltage UPS or DRUPS reduces the losses on long distribution lines downstream of the UPS and limits short circuit currents to an applicable value while keeping the reliability of the power distribution on the high level expected when using a high quality UPS system. The MV distribution makes it possible to parallel several high power UPS or DRUPS systems on one common output bus in an N+x configuration that avoids the extensive use of low voltage switching devices to create redundancy. A modular design of the UPS or DRUPS allows easy integration of impedances and breakers into the medium voltage switchgear. By keeping the heart of the UPS the same as for the low voltage applications, any energy storage device like batteries or flywheels can be used to provide the power flow to the load in case of a mains outage. Any medium voltage mechanical loads can directly be supplied by the medium voltage DRUPS by using the dual output option. So if due to high demands for reliable power a low voltage distribution is no more applicable, a solution with medium voltage UPS or DRUPS can be used instead, without changing the approved UPS design and the high reliability known from the low voltage applications.

Frank Herbener, Product Line Manager Rotary UPS, Piller Group GmbH

4:10 P.M.

BOM Magazine - Impact of the Cap and Trade Legislation on Data Center Operators

In a sign of just how far the times have changed, consider that of all the issues John McCain and Barack Obama disagreed about last November, climate change wasn't one of them. Both McCain and Obama both agreed climate change was a serious threat the nation had to address. Both also agreed on the method for tackling climate change: a cap and trade program. Today, the House has passed a bill that would cap the emissions of greenhouse gas emissions, while a companion measure is being debated in the Senate. For data center operators, a cap and trade bill could have serious impacts, in part by causing a short-term increase in energy prices. This presentation will explain the President's campaign promises for cap and trade, explain how cap and trade works, outline the latest proposals and highlight what it means for data center operators.

Brandon Lorenz, Senior Editor, Building Operating Management Magazine

9:00 A.M.

Keynote: IBM - Achieving Data Center Availability and Energy Efficiency

With data center energy use doubling every five years and energy costs representing more than 50% of both the capital and operational costs in a data center, energy efficiency has become a key metric to evaluate overall IT operational efficiency. There are a number of data center actions to take in economic uncertainty to reduce your costs that provide immediate payback. Learn best practices to extend the life of your existing data center, rationalize your overall data center portfolio or design new data centers to be cost-effective, highly available and energy efficiency. We'll also discuss how IBM is taking similar actions in our own data centers.

Steven Sams, Vice President Global Site Facilities Services,, IBM

10:30 A.M.

MTechnology - The Future of Data Centers

Steve Fairfax and his team at MTechnology will apply their quantitative risk assessment skills to a new topic: predicting the future of data centers. Rather than simply extrapolate from current conditions, our predictions will be based on evaluation of the technology trends and limits, physics, economics, business practices, and regulatory trends in the 7x24 industry. The results will be provocative and interesting to all 7x24 members.

Stephen Fairfax, President, MTechnology

11:30 A.M.

Data Center Pulse - Readout & Stack Panel Discussion

Do you know what data center customers are thinking? What they want? At this session you will hear the very latest customer perspective straight from the horse's mouth. The first half of this session will be a results readout of the DCP Sunday summit. The second half will include a panel discussion with key Data Center Pulse members and thought leaders. The panel discussion will focus on The Data Center Stack Framework proposal. DCP believes the data center should be treated as a common system which can be easily described & measured. The stack is a common framework to describe, communicate, & innovate data center thinking between Owner/Operators peers & the Industry. Join the panel as they discuss the importance of this methodology and how it can be applied uniformly regardless of industry.

Presenter & Moderator:
Dean Nelson, Chairman & Founder, Data Center Pulse

Mark Thiele, President & Founder, Data Center Pulse, Director of Business Operations, R&D - VMWare
Richard Donaldson, Vice President & Board Member, Data Center Pulse, CEO, 6connect
Graeme Hay, Technical Advisory Director / Chair, Data Center Pulse, Vice President, Major Financial Institution
Jeremy Rodriguez, Sr Manager of Global Data Center Efficiency, VMWare
Jeffrey Tepfer, Technical Infrastructure Director, Data Center Pulse, Senior Staff Engineer, Qualcomm

1:45 P.M. Concurrent Breakout Sessions

Breakout A: Video Tour: Netherlands Internet Data Center Buildings - "Wind Mills at Work" - A Preview of Our Iceland Data Center Campus TCO "Data Center Paradise"

Video tour a special purpose built to suit high efficiency green next-generation internet data center building in the Netherlands. The video tour highlights all installed systems and discusses how we implemented a fast track design/build project process to meet the client requirement to deliver a 200,000 sq.ft, 36mw, Tier 3 mission critical data center building in 14 months. The project was completed October 2007. The video tour highlights installed systems selected to meet client reliability requirements and enable our completion date and includes a 21mw Rotary UPS system to support the critical load and maximize power efficiencies; overhead rail bus bar system for 2N distribution to client racks; fluid coolers and water storage tanks to maximize free cooling via chilled water to the CRAC system water mist fire protection; 24/7 monitoring of all critical installations; connection to submarine cable fiber system and local backhaul. Tour conclusion discusses "Fast Track" process, lessons learned, and a preview of our Iceland data center "TCO" from a client's prospective.

Mark Gerard, President, Geographic Network Affiliates, USA Partner Greenstone – USA, President, DP Facilities Inc.
Henk Wiering, Managing Director TCN-SIG Telehousing Partner, Greenstone – Europe, President, Parthes BV
Sveinn Oskar Sigurdsson, Chairman, Greenstone - Iceland

1:45 P.M.

Breakout B: Electrical Safety in the Workplace

A common sense approach to understanding the hazards of working with electricity. Increased emphasis on electrical safety changes the way we approach electrical maintenance and repair. The challenge to the industry is to protect personnel, facilities & equipment while maintaining 7x24 operation of Mission Critical systems. This presentation will provide a basic understanding of the issues, standards and best practices.

Douglas H. Sandberg, Director Field Service Sales & Operations , ASCO Services, Inc.

1:45 P.M.

Breakout C: Facing a Changing Critical Power Environment

Just when you think we had it all figured out! We are facing some of the most dynamic and challenging times in critical power distribution in the past 15 years. Pending carbon cap-and-trade, 230V utilization, PUE calculations and custom metering, new UPS technologies and virtualization are making all of us revisit our past choices for distributing power in our data centers. This presentation will offer approaches, best practices and cutting edge applications in addressing new IT system power supplies and system designs. Our presentation will also incorporate the pending BICSI/ANSI Data Center 002 Best Practices Manual's content on this subject.

William P. Mazzetti, Jr., P.E., Vice President, Engineering, & Chief Engineer, Rosendin Electric, Inc.

1:45 P.M.

Breakout D: Assuring the Reliability of Critical Power Cable Systems

Critical facility engineers are required to provide a safe and reliable electrical cable infrastructure that will assure maximum uptime at the lowest possible cost. Engineers assigned this responsibility are able to make better power cable system reliability decisions when effective predictive diagnostic tools are applied. Many in the industry are not aware that the IEEE no longer supports the DC high potential test as an acceptance test for shielded power cable systems, and are unknowingly putting their systems at risk. This paper is an overview covering the latest IEEE standards and best practices for specifying modern cable systems and applying predictive diagnostic industrial shielded extruded dielectric cable systems rated 5kV and higher. Case studies from actual critical facilities will demonstrate the ability of modern defect specific diagnostics to repeat the manufacturers test in the field, pinpoint defects, and avoid future unplanned service outages.

Benjamin Lanz, Manager of Application Engineering, IMCORP

8:45 A.M.

Keynote: Global Economic Impact on Data Centers - Can ASHRAE Books Help?

Data centers are mission critical facilities and "mission" must come first. There is increasing pressure to consider green, sustainability, and carbon caps in addition to tough economic times. These pressures increase the need for a holistic focus and for pushing the envelope while managing risk. ASHRAE has been very active in publishing vendor neutral, unbiased data center information. This presentation includes drawing upon the ASHRAE material to achieve optimized results.

Don Beaty, President, DLB Associates and Past Chair of ASHRAE TC9.9

10:15 A.M.

Tough Economic Times Deliver Aggressive Bidding Environment - A Medium-Density Data Center for the State of Tennessee, Designed for Flexibility and Growth

The State of Tennessee's Office of Information Resources provides computer processing support to various agencies state-wide. The existing data center has reached its capacity, and is unable to grow at the present location. The State has developed a master plan to build two new data centers. The design of the first data center was completed by the joint venture team of Hawkins/Wright with SIGMA7 design group and is now under construction. The design provides for initial computing capacity of about 1mw and total site power of about 2mw, with a capability to double its capacity to 2mw processing. The ultimate density of the raised floor area will be 120w/sf average. The design has accomplished the flexibility required, as demonstrated by various Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling.

Construction Management services are being provided by Turner Universal with assistance from Turner Logistics. Turner provided pre-construction services, and has assembled a team of vendors and subcontractors to complete the project. Because of softness in the construction industry, and aggressive value engineering, the project team was able to procure bids considerably below (about 15%) the project budget.

Ron Gupta, AIA, LEED Accredited Professional Principal, SIGMA7 design group
Chris Remke, Member, State of Tennessee Building Commission Review Panel
John Gromos, PE, CEM, LEED Accredited Professional Vice President, Turner Universal Construction Co.

11:15 A.M.

Intentional Electromagnetic Interference - The New Remediated Threat, an End to End Solution: "Zap, What Happened to My Data?"

There are perpetrators who are now using devices to emit high frequency pulses which disable data center equipment (including Servers and SANS, as well as support systems) and cause data disruption, from a distance, potentially violating regulatory requirements (data retention). Additionally, there are other Electromagnetic threat sources. Both various technical sanctioning bodies, and our Federal Government now recognize the impact of the electromagnetic threats.

Emprimus measures, assesses, designs and tests appropriate protection of all critical, non-military electronic systems and data assets against intentional electromagnetic interference (IEMI) and other electromagnetic threats. Emprimus has been active with an educational and awareness building program that has been presented at several symposiums, conferences, and multiple chapters of such organizations such as InfraGard since the spring of 2008. Most recently there has been activity with the U.S. Congress, assisting in the effort to begin the "hardening" of our critical infrastructure (including data centers) against this threat.

The presentation will focus on the history of the threat, and how this threat impacts data centers, and more importantly, all support systems as well. How an organization can utilize best practices and various methodologies to protect themselves against this "newly remediated threat." Additionally, there will be discussion regarding the impact upon regulatory compliance that this disruptive technology represents.

Jim Danburg, Director of Security and Continuity, Emprimus LLC
Gale Nordling, President & CEO, Emprimus LLC